---# JuST oNe MoMeNT CaN CHaNGe eVeRYTHiNG #---


rEtOqUe CuTrE hEcHo CoN pAiNt... QuIeRo El FoToShOp Y lO qUiErO yA!!! jAjAjA eN fIn... PaSo A cOnTaRoS dE qUe Va La FoTo... Es UnA pRoFeSoRa De UnA pElI dE hArRy PoTeR, qUe Se Da Un LiGeRo AiRe A nUeStRa PrOfEsOrA dE hIsToRiA dE lA mUsIcA... qUe nO sAbE cOmO vEsTiR... nOrMaL, pOrQuE eNtRe lOs PaNtaLoNeS dE dRaGoNeS dEl ChInO, lOs PaNtaLoNeS dE mAnTiS rElIgIoSa, LoS dE CoLuMnA cOrInTiA (qUe AdEmAs No Es CoRiNtIa, Es JoNiCa XD), La ChAqUeTiCa aZuL y El CoLlArCiCo VeRdE eSe QuE nO hAy PoR dONde cOgErLo... En FiN. yA pOr nO hAbLaR dE lAs BaBaS qUe Se Le AcUmUlAn A lOs DoS lAdOs De La BoCa Y eN eL CeNtRo... PuAj!!!!


sO lOng agO
i didn't have a care abOut me
i didn't knOw my right frOm wrOng
but nOw i knOw
that yOu've gOt yOur lOve arOund me
yOu knOw it makes me feel sO strOng

maybe if yOu turn arOund
and prOve tO me it's real
maybe we can wOrk it Out
'cause this is hOw i feel

dO yOu knOw when yOu gO and yOu give it all away
i'll be there fOr yOu, care fOr yOu, lOve yOu every day
Oh baby
and dO yOu feel the same fOr me
any day yOu're away and I feel a little lOw
I will cry fOr yOu, die fOr yOu, just tO let yOu knOw
Oh baby
and if yOu cOme tO me
yOu knOw i'll make it right

thrOughOut my life
I never thOught I'd have sOmebOdy
sOmeOne tO call my Own
and nOw i've fOund
a little bit Of heaven baby
a place tO call my hOme

maybe if yOu turn arOund
and prOve tO me it's real
maybe we can wOrk it Out
cause this is hOw i feel

dO yOu knOw when yOu gO and yOu give it all away
i'll be there fOr yOu, care fOr yOu, lOve yOu every day
Oh baby
and dO yOu feel the same fOr me
any day yOu're away and i feel a little lOw
I will cry fOr yOu, die fOr yOu, just tO let yOu knOw
Oh baby
and if yOu cOme tO me
yOu knOw i'll make it right

baby dOn't yOu knOw yOu gOtta slOw dOwn
befOre yOu knOw yOu're gOnna break dOwn
and turn arOund
befOre yOu knOw yOu'll gO and break my heart
when will yOu learn tO be a little helpful
when yOu think Of me
a little careful
when yOu're clOse tO me
'cause baby i lOved yOu frOm the start

maybe if yOu turn arOund
and prOve tO me it's real
maybe we can wOrk it Out
'cause this is hOw i feel

dO yOu knOw when yOu gO and yOu give it all away
i'll be there fOr yOu, care fOr yOu every day
Oh baby
and dO yOu feel the same fOr me
any day yOu're away and i feel a little lOw
I will cry fOr yOu, die fOr yOu, just tO let yOu knOw
Oh baby
and if yOu cOme tO me
yOu knOw i'll make it right

i lOve yOu
dO yOu knOw when yOu gO and yOu give it all away (when yOu gO)
i'll be there fOr yOu, care fOr yOu, lOve yOu every day Oh baby (i wOuld cry, i wOuld die)
and dO yOu feel the same fOr me (i lOve yOu baby)
any day i'm away and i feel a little lOw (when yOu gO, i wOuld cry)
i will cry fOr yOu, die fOr yOu, just tO let yOu knOw Oh baby (i wOuld die)
i lOve yOu baby

dO yOu knOw when yOu gO and yOu give it all away (when yOu gO)
i'll be there fOr yOu, care fOr yOu, lOve yOu every day Oh baby (i wOuld cry, i wOuld die)
and dO yOu feel the same fOr me (i lOve yOu baby)
any day i'm away and i feel a little lOw (when yOu gO)
i will cry fOr yOu, die fOr yOu, just tO let yOu knOw Oh baby (i wOuld cry, i wOuld die)
and if yOu cOme tO me
yOu knOw i'll make it right

---# atOmic kitten - if yOu cOme tO me #---


tengO que cOnfesar que a veces
nO me gusta tu forma de ser
luegO te me desapareces
y nO entiendO muy bien pOr que

nO dices nada rOmanticO
cuandO llega el atardecer
te pOnes de un humOr extrañO
cOn cada luna llena al mes

perO a tOdO lO demas le gana

lO buenO que me das
sOlO tenerte cerca sientO

que vuelvO a empezar

yO te quierO cOn limOn y sal
yO te quierO tal y cOmO estas
nO hace falta cambiarte nada
yO te quierO si vienes O si vas
si subes y bajas y nO estas
segurO de lO que sientes

tengO que cOnfesarte ahOra
nunca crei en la felicidad
a veces algO se le parece
perO es pura casualidad

luegO me vengO a encOntrar
cOn tus OjOs me dan algO mas
sOlO tenerte cerca
sientO que vuelvO a empezar

yO te quierO cOn limOn y sal
yO te quierO tal y cOmO estas
nO hace falta cambiarte nada
yO te quierO si vienes O si vas
si subes y si bajas y nO estas
segurO de lO que sientes

yO te quierO cOn limOn y sal

yO te quierO tal y cOmO estas
nO hace falta cambiarte nada
yO te quierO si vienes O si vas
si subes y si bajas y nO estas
segurO de lO que sientes

sOlO tenerte cerca... sientO que vuelvO a empezar

---# julieta venegas - limOn y sal #---


there yOu see her
sitting there acrOss the way
she dOn't gOt a lOt tO say
but there's sOmething abOut her
and yOu dOn't knOw why
but yOu're dying tO try
yOu wanna kiss the girl

yes, yOu want her
lOOk at her, yOu knOw yOu dO
it's pOssible she wants yOu tOO
there's One way tO ask her
it dOn't take a wOrd, nOt a single wOrd
gO On and kiss the girl (kiss the girl)

my Oh my
lOOks like the bOy's tOO shy
ain't gOnna kiss the girl
ain't that sad
it's such a shame tOO
yOu're gOnna miss the girl
gO On and kiss the girl (kiss the girl)

nOw's yOur mOment
flOating in a blue lagOOn
bOy, yOu better dO it sOOn
nO time will be better
she dOn't say a wOrd
and she wOn't say a wOrd
until yOu kiss the girl (kiss the girl)

my Oh my
lOOks like the bOy's tOO shy
ain't gOnna kiss the girl
ain't that sad
it's such a shame tOO
yOu're gOnna miss the girl
gO On and kiss the girl (kiss the girl)

dOn't be scared
yOu better be prepared
gO On and kiss the girl
dOn't stOp nOw
dOn't try tO hide it hOw
yOu wanna kiss the girl
gO On and kiss the girl
(kiss the girl)

my Oh my
lOOks like the bOy's tOO shy
ain't gOnna kiss the girl
ain't that sad
it's such a shame tOO
yOu're gOnna miss the girl
gO On and kiss the girl (kiss the girl)

---# ashley tisdale - kiss the girl #---